Friday, April 11, 2008

Sweeping Reforms

This morning the NST carries on its front page: PM to announce sweeping reforms which includes:
1.Setting up an independent commission to appoint and to promote judges in a transparent manner
2.Separation of powers between the executive and the judiciary
3.Vesting of judicial powers with the courts

Surely our PM is heading in the right direction. In fact, our PM has always got good intent even when our PM took over office from our previous PM. However, the pressure from within UMNO made our PM not able to carry out most of his plans in his terms of office. Instead, the situation became worse so much so that the Rakyat express it out through the General Election.

This time, our PM is again hitting at the nail's head. The Rakyat wish him well and looking forward for a positive reform---- something to remember our PM for in time of history.

If our PM is moving in the right direction, he can be assured that the Rakyat is behind him. Our PM must exert his PMship, his rightful authority to make his team of ministers and MPs to back him up. This very move itself will help to install the confidence of the Rakyat in our PM's leadership.

Just hope our PM got to do what he inteded to do in this forcasted reforms.

1 comment:

ktteokt said...

Is the PM really sincere with what he has proposed? After experiencing his "promises" which he made when he "ascended" as PM, you think any right-thinking Malaysian would take his words again? Remember what he said about wanting to be a PM of the people, to listen to the truth and all that jazz? So is he going to honour this proposal if he had not even honoured what he said 4 years back?