Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Islamic Country

It seems that PAS has yet to let go this ambition of making Malaysia an Islamic State. Can we not practise Malaysian Islamic Value in our nation building like what we always call Malaysian Democrasy. What we can do is to customise the idea of an Islamic State in a Malaysia that practises Islamic values in all our governance. Not just the forms of the religion but the true value of the religion.

However, being a nation existing in this globalisation era, we have to be flexible and practical. Take one good example, we should review of week ends in Malaysia. Have different week end some on Friday others on Sunday is a lost to the business world. With this in mind, the banks chosed to close on Saturday and Sunday nation wide. Someone may have to study this matter of a common week end for all government agencies. The idea is to be more effective in all government administration.

In the matter of dress code, we stress more in decency. Being a nation with multiracial cultural practices, we should only introduce rules on decency and not on a particular fashion. People seems to be attracted to comfortable dress code and beauty, but not to an impractical implementation through rules and orders.

Thus it is time for PAS to studied into details as how they want to work with the others and how PAS could share their thoughts and ideaology of governance in the light of a multiracial setting.

1 comment:

ktteokt said...

What's the difference between an Islamic state run by PAS and an Islamic state run by UMNO (or BN)? Do they have different principles? Do they use different qurans?

If at all Malaysia is an Islamic nation (as proclaimed by AAB), then what the non-Islamic political parties doing in BN? Do they know the least bit about what an Islamic state is all about? Are they halal? Have all the MPs and ministers been "circumcised"? These are the basic criteria in establishing an Islamic state and these have yet to materialize. So isn't it too soon for AAB to pronounce Malaysia as an Islamic nation????