Friday, April 18, 2008

Mat Rempit

Just take a look at the Mat Rempit. Who are they? What are their occupation? What is their educational background?

If only the authority really care to help them, the authority will know what make them what they are!

They needed a short training scheme to be competent for the market place.
They needed a sense of importance in life.
They needed a stable job.

Provide them some training for motor cycle mechanic courses.
Provide them training for security guard duty and responsibility.
Provide them a sense of purpose for life...through counselling sessions (class approach).
help to find job placement for them.... taking over some of the jobs made availble to the foreigh workers.

In fact, I still prefer vocational education for people who are less competent with books. I still prefer uniform units, scouting, police cadet corp, red cross and St John etc. They discipline one to be responsible individual.

We should stop promoting materialism, instead indoctrinate practical and simple lifestyles. Our Mat Rempit needs help not jail terms or whipping. They need counselling and positive assistance. Trafic offence must be dealt with, but the real help must be given right off.

1 comment:

ktteokt said...

How can you teach a crab to walk straight when it is born to walk sideways! These people are simply lazy and are not interested in working. So will they ever want to undergo training programmes or learn a skill? To them life means scrambling on their scramblers day in and day out, creating nuisance to the general public and endangering the lives of others.