Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Time of Decision

Time of opportunity is clicking away for MPs who have yet to make up their mind. Time for a change. Time to change into Keutamaan Rakyat rather than to move on in communal politic. Time to check corruption and time to uphold justice and fairness for all rakyat Malaysia.

PKR will only give opportunity for MPs who are convicted in PKR ideaology of governance: People's Power. No ruling classes, and no suppression of minority in Malaysia. Instead, it is time to really build up a nation with taleneted Malaysians, giving room of higher education for the bright and clever, creating technical training opportunity for those less incline to studies and reseach, and motivating the rakyat as productive manpower for building the nation.

Once PKR has successfully secure the rule of the nation, strict condition will be imposed for people who wanted to "sneak in" as opportunist to join up with PKR.Non committed parties and personality do not deserve the right to govern the nation. PKR only welcome people who place rakyat as their main concern, people who wanted to build up Malaysia, not so much of building up personal prosperity through politic.

It is up to political parties and individual to check and review their political priority and to decide whether or not to join up with PKR.

Surely there are many who live up to PKR idealogy: Keutamaan Rakyat Malaysia, Kemakmuran dan Kemajuan Negara Tercinta Malaysia Kita.

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