Saturday, September 13, 2008

Threat to Malaysian Democracy

What is the whole idea of democracy? It is to practise a system whereby the government of the day is: the government by the people and for the people. The people here means the citizens, the rakyat. In order for democracy to exist well in Malaysia, the government of the day must be willing to hear from the suara rakyat---people's voice.

Early this morning news reported that Raja Petra was detained under ISA again. Same goes to Teresa Kok and MP ffrom DAP and also a news reporter Tan Hoon Cheng of Sin Chew Jit Pao.
Malaysians could understand if Ahmad Ismail is detained. He had shown no respect for both the PM and DPM in the pretense of speaking for his people.He had also shown no respect to Khor Soo Khoon the ex-Chief Minister of Penang by allowing his supporter to tear the potrait of Khor Soo Khoon before the camera.

Even after the disciplinary action by UMNO Ahmad still show no sign of restrain with his words and action. If such is arrested all Malaysians could very well understand the reason behind it. However, for arresting a reporter who reported the incident, and also a MP and Raja Petra, all Malaysians cannot understand the rational behind it.

Why must people be arrested whenever UMNO has its internal conflict? This time, the component parties must voice out otherwise the results of the next general election will seal their fate.

We loved the nation, we appreciated the achievement accomplished by BN so far. However, BN has become arrogant and not hearing the voice of the rakyat. Many thought 308 should help BN to check themselves, but no. BN has become more unbearable. Whatever may happen to BN it is BN that asked for it.

Hidup Malaysia! Malaysia Maju!Rakyat bersatu hak rakyat dijamin. Government is elected to power, it can also be put out of power.Malaysia Boleh!

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