Monday, September 15, 2008

Thanks but No Thanks

It was a great relief for all Malaysians when reporter Lee Hoon Cheng was unconditionally released from her ISA detention. Though she was detained for a short while yet a mistake is made. If our authority can make such a blunder is carrying out their duty, it only goes to reflect the rashness and imaturity in their decision.

Just hope that our authority will exercise more discretion in carrying out their duty.
Now that reporter Lee is back home, we just hope Teresa Kok, an elected MP, YB, and also a executive in the Majlis be given a fair chance to defend herself in the court of law. Hopefully people like Ahmad Ismail should be put off in jail and not Teresa Kok who was just airing the concern of some. A matter that can be easily ignored. It was not worth even to take note of. As for RPK his writings should serve as a venue for the government of the day to check and review in matters discussed by his writings. A frank and fair comment on matters that concern the rakyat and the nation. If ever any party found that what he wrote is not true, make use of the court to make extra income---- challenge him in court. Why be scared of his writing if it is false. The rakyat knows how to judge. The rakyat are not fools.

Thus rakyat Malaysia hopes to see both in court rather than being detained under ISA.

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