Monday, September 15, 2008

Role of Our King and His army

Soldiers are not politicians. Soldiers are protector of the King and Malaysia. As soldiers they only listen to orders from their Chief: here is our beloved King.

Whatever the amendment had done regarding to the power and position of our King, YAB YMM our beloved King is the Head of Malaysia and the Commander-in-Chief of Malaysian armed forces.

When politicians are massing with the peace and stability of the nation, we are sure our beloved King will have to check the whole situation. Our King must be ready to put the military to work--- protecting the nation from any form of unrest. Only the King will appoint the person he sees fit to form an interim body to help him rule the nation. He may not appoint those who have lost the favour of the rakyat and pick on a man whom he sees winning the support of the general rakyat of Malaysia.

The King's main interest is to put down unrest and restoring peace. The King's main concern is to place a man he can trust to help reshaping the next government.

Our prayer and hope is that politicians should know that they are playing with fire. They should check and hold back themselves. Anyone who incites trouble for the nation (politicians are responsible for it in most incidents), should be make to face the court of law.

The army is the protector of the King and nation, the guarantor for our Merdeka Constitution. The army is not policitically inclined.It works independetly.

Same goes to the police forces. An independent police force, carrying out their duty professionally, will ensure justice and fairness in dealing with criminals. Take no side politically. A government is elected by the rakyat, decided by the MPs who deem to give their best for a better Malaysia. Any MP who fails to do his job professionally will be removed in the next general election. A government which does not perform, will also be changed over in the general election. Only when such is understood and practised will elected MPs be careful in their performance. In any foul play the police should step in---- that is the job of the police to see that no foul play of any form in this democratic system.

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