Friday, September 26, 2008

Back on the Board

In war you need to come to the Board to study the situation and to plan your battle strategy. With the plan all set up, you start to launch out phase by phase, while watching the result there is a need of review of battle plan and issuing new instruction.

Has our PKR failed? No. Has Anwar failed? No.
What we read and what we know is what is allowed to be revealed to the knowledge of the enemy camp. It can be for real, it can also be a battle tactic to cause confusion and fear on the opposite camp.

As far as 308 and 826 and 916 is concern, Rakyat Malaysia has won the battle. Rakyat Malaysia has driven into the mind of all politicians that people power can remove So and So, and also to make a change over of government and authority.

A strong opposition has caused the ruling party to be more conscious of the voice and misery of the Rakyat. Much has been seen to benefit the Rakyat. Much has taken place in this short while. It has even stirred up UMNO so much that they are trying to force the stepping down of their No.1 man, our PM.

Rakyat Malaysia must learn from 308. Never again to return two-thrid majority to any ruling party. Allow a strong watch man in the parliment.This will ensure better governance, better awareness of the suffering and need of the rakyat. This will result in prosperity sharing for all rakyat. Instead of seeing billions after billions being thrown down the drain, these national revene is used to improve the life and infra structure of Malaysia.

If Rakayat Malaysia felt that UMNO has learn the lesson well, and has humbled itself and commited to serve all rakyat, UMNO will still be in power.(Mind you, not BN. For BN is name sake, the member parties of BN has no influence over what UMNO wanted to act and do.) BN government is just a name, UMNO government is the reality.

However, Malaysians may prefered PKR---- new may be, but PKR has an idealogy for the people and nation. So, let us see how the two will perform after this 308 political tsunami.
The people wll watch and judge, and the people will cast the votes wisely again in the next general election.

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