Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Where should Malaysia Be Heading to?

In life we need to set a goal for ourselves. With that goal we will strife forward overcoming all obstacles heading toward the goal.Where should Malaysia be heading to? What is our goal? We seems to have set Wawasan 2020 as our goal some time back. Can we just ask ourselves, do we know what we aspire to achieve with 2020? How are we doing? Do not be self deceived.

We should be heading towards a Harmonious and Prosperous Malaysia.
Harmonious ---- where everybody in Malaysia seeing everyone as Malaysians, accepting one another, respecting one another, and working hand in hand with one another, trusting one another, builidng up a peaceful and harmonious community.

How to achieve such objective? Drop ALL communal politics. Work towards a Rakyat Malaysia politic.Aim to build up the nation, blessing the Rakyat and not just a particular group of people mentality.
Politicians must learn to be good parents. Be humble and be honest and be upright. Learn to be a good losser. If you have failed to win the support of the rakyat, just admit it and quit or improve yourself. No develish tricks and evil attempts. All for the good of Malaysia.
Be fair and just to all rakyat----let the law rules the nation and not money politic.

Prosperous ----where the riches of the land is enjoyed by all rakyat. Where the success of the nation is a blessing to all rakyat. Not so much of being rich and wealthy, but being able to live with joy and happiness, enjoying the facility of modern lifestyle, benefiting from the development of the modern technology, and being rich in quality life.

Watch out for this evil of greed: rakyat suffers in need of basic living while the people on high live high and mighty lifestyle. Fight against the evil of wanting to boss around people, making slaves of rakyat while those in authority misuse of power and national wealth. It is a curse to a blessed land like Malaysia. It will lead Malaysia into great poverty, unrest, and power struggle. Drop all that in the mind, and be good parents to all rakyat, Malaysia a heaven on planet earth.

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