Friday, June 27, 2008

Calling All MPs

MPs are representing the rakyat to oversee the management of Malaysia. If Mps really playing their role well, no government in power dares to ignore their presence in the parliment and to ignore the cries of the rakyat.

May I call all MPs in the parliment to think about the future of Malaysia. Think about your children and your children's children. Think about the damage that can be done to a God blessed Malaysia. If you love Malaysia, and if you love your rakyat more than silver and gold, speak out!

If your sensible representation is ignored, why throw in your support? Turn the table around. If our beloved nation wants to grow and be developed, stand to your conviction and reject bias policy. Stamp out corruption and protect national wealth. Rid of evil and put the upright in position. If MPs do not act when there is opportunity to save Malaysia, we will land up like some African countries, poor rakyat in want and living at the mercy of rich ruling class. This will result in social ill, unrest, and power struggle. The good and beauty of blessed Malaysia will be ruined. Is that what MPs wanted?

Do what is within your decision to turn around the situation for your children's children sake. Future of Malaysia is in MPs decision.

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