Thursday, June 26, 2008

Right Thinking & Right Decision

Now that our DPM Datuk Seri Najib Razak has assured all Malaysians and specifically to all SABAHAN that the government will conduct a large operation against the illegal immigrants in Sabah, we hope Sabahan should have the peace of mind to trust the government.

This is a right decision. Illegal immigrants can pose a security problem to the nation. Remember the wooden horse of TROY. How the enemy was led into the walled city of Troy and cause the fall of city.

Illegal immigrants have no sense of belonging. They have no feel for the people around them. Not even loyalty to the country. They can be rough and ruthless when face with life pressure. They will resort to crime.

In fact Malaysia should review our import of foreign workers ---- too much of dependent on such work force give rise to social ill. Resolve man power problem positively.If we wanted to keep our labour cost low to be competitive and to attract foreign investment, we should keep our cost of living low through reduction of taxes on some basic commodities, subsidies of basic needs, cheap public transport systems, and tax insentive for provision of workers' quarters etc.

Our government policy should care to look into the need and livelihood problem of the general public and not just to think of profit and gain of business tycoon.

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