Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Timely Gesture for Sarawak

The Straits Times also carries the news of our PM's visit to Sarawak.An additional RM1 billion for Sarawak. It is a good gesture. It should be a general practice for a government who cares for the rakyat----not just for political support. An allocation for the development of basic infrastructure in rural areas---- water piping and lighting, and also better roads.

May I suggest the BN government have a closer monitoring on the use of this allocation. Check on the prices of projects involved. Be fair in its open tender for such projects. Let every cent really goes towards those projects benefiting the general public.

It is time for the government to study how to make good use of Petrol money to improve the rural areas throughout the country. Raise the stardard of living, but not the cost of living! Implementing food subsidy, cooking oil subsidy and also public transport subsidy to the poorer community. Encourage business companies to invest and run bus services into rural area, restructure good connection of bus services between rural township. Extend electricity supplies and water supplies system into rural region.

Begin to take care of the rakyat and the rakyat will see that a caring government stays in power. Otherwise, the voting results will tell the story again.

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