Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Jail for writing an Article?

Shocked to see the fast action of the police against a writer Raja Petra Kamaruddin. If what he had written is offensive, a warrant of arrest should have come out from the court. He never hid himself. He is available anytime.

When a rakyat find time to write and share their thoughts openly on blog, as a rakyat we just wanted the respective authority to know how we rakyat feel about certain issues, or action, or policies. Since our PM has always insisted that he wanted to hear the voice of the rakyat, only then we write. We wanted to see a better Malaysia. We wanted to see correction where there is a fault. We just wanted to contribute towards a better governance.

We just hope that the authority will not take matters in a personal way. If our dear Raja Petra has committed any wrong, let the court decide. Let him defend himself in the court of law. If the court does not find him guilty, the police department must be sued for such rudeness and irresponsible action. No one is above the law.

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