Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Back Fired

Having being side tracked since BN come into power, more time is spent harping on communal issues, creating millionaires and neglecting far sighted matters like machanised agricultural industry, raising up the living standard of rural folks, spending on upgrading rural public utilities, safe guarding Malaysian soverignty over some islands and safe passage in Malacca Straits etc.

Suddenly Malaysia lost its claim over Pulau Batu Putih.
In fact if we are not careful, too much emphasis on comfortable lifestyle, and easy money, our next generation will lose their job opportunity to foreign workers. When foreign workers are given opportunity to stay in and given ID, not too long after, they will form into political party and rule the country!? Otherwise they will bring along their culture of street protest, riots etc.Malaysian by large are peaceful people. However, some politicians have shown our younger generation how to go into the streets. Unknowingly our politicians have indoctrinated our younger generation the way of rebellious spirit, direct confrontation with the authority etc. In years to come, we would have brought up an unruly generation, hard to control, like the up rising mat remit who dares to challenge the law, throwing petrol bombs at authority etc.

We will reap what we sow now.
Therefore, it is time to be more nation concern rather than power concern for all our politicians. It is right to start thinking of claiming on some islands and territorial water and carry out some contructive activities in such islands.

We have not just lost Pulau Batu Putih.
We have lost many bright Malaysians to many nations. Malaysia should have been a better developed nation and far more advance in technology, and better in higher education if we have not been harping on minor issues and fattening our individual account. Without a nation there is no home. So let all Malaysians be more concern of our national matters, economy development, raising up our educational standard, introducing relevant and practical policies, not be a frog in a nut shell."Katak di bawah tempurong".

Visit some developed nations, and learn from our neighboring nations. Not spending off public fund, but learning for self improving and return to help building up Malaysia.

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