Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sabar ! Hi Sabar

Sabar in Bahasa Malayu means "be patient", "Let's be calm".
When I read about Mr.LIM Kit Siang refusing to attend the ceremony of appointment for the Menteri Besar of Perak, I felt greatly disappointed for him.

1. It is historical at this point of time that the opposition has taken over an additional four states from the BN government. (Kelantan remains in the PAS government.) Thus we need time to adjust and to learn how best the new state government can portrait a true Malaysian identity. Instead of complaining, it is time to present a mature statesmanship in resolving any difficult situation.

2. It is wise of the Sultan to have a PAS candidate as a Menteri Besar. (how I wish there is a PKR candidate for it). The Menteri Besar is the right hand man of the Sultan, and the MB is also dealing with cultural and religious matters as well, thus this is a good choice.

3. It is the best alternative to have the DAP candidate as the deputy MB in Perak. This will be the man responsible to run the state affaire except the cutural and religious context of it. Both the MB and his Deputy is a good team.

4. By refusing to attend the ceremony is showing no respect to our beloved Sultan. This is not right. Our beloved Sultan is not a politician, He is the Head of the State. He has many things to think of in making His decision. We must respect His decision.

I hope our respected Mr.Lim take some positive action to make up with the Sultan and pave a good way for our DAP Deputy MB to work harmoniously with the MB and be found in favor by the Sultan. God bless Perak state and bring about prosperity and peace to the state.

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