Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Right Man for the Right Job

This coming election Malaysians are voting to TURN MALAYSIA into a progressive nation. Cutting down national debts, to creat a favorable investment atmosphere for foreign investment, to fight inflation, and to improve basic amenity for a better living for all rakyat Malaysia.

This must start with curbing of corruption at top level to prevent misapproriating public fund.
Next is to restructure our educational system and policy, to retain the cream of our intellectual population for national growth---- cutting down brain drain.
Appointment of the right man to the right job in all government departments.

Looking into modernise agricultural practices---- raising the status and income of our agricultural sectors.

PKR must make sure to place the right man of the right calibre for this coming election. People who know their responsibility of creating a Better Malaysia. Joining in not for personal gain but for national building---- building up Malaysia. Malaysians wanted to stand tall and be proud of our nation. NOT to be a laughing -stock of the world.

People of Malaysia must take this coming election seriously, lest our nation may enter into a era of NO-RETURN..... going down the drain. Presently we are still in time to SAVE Malaysia.

Let us show the world we can do it peacefully, just by way of the ballot and many would have to pack and go home.

1 comment:

krishna said...

A sure win for PR in the coming GE-13 and the takeover of Putrajaya.You have alot bullets to shoot at UMNO for their downfall and the latest being the NFC isu.
Plan your strategies quitely and when the Election date is announced, then go-all out to expose the corrupt practices of UMNO and its cronies during your ceramahs. Be careful not to do another mistake as UMNO may drop some candidates and being disgrun tled they may jump like a frog to PR. Do not be fooled again, otherwise Perak too would have ben PR's.