Monday, November 14, 2011

General Election Delayed !

It looks like the GE is delayed. This shows that BN need more time to work on getting the support of the people.....They knew they are not able to win the people over their side. Rakyat Malaysia is going for a change over!!

It is good for Pakatan also. Time for the member parties to review their nation building manifesto..... rich nation, low cost of living, and a fair and just government for ALL rakyat.

How to decrease the debts of the nation?
How to lighten up the financial burden of the rakyat? This the new government must review the tax systems and to improve and subsidise public facilities,and public transport system.
Building up the nation with bright Malaysians, Malaysians of all communities.

Introduce attractive incentives to draw talents back from overseas---a faster way of nation building.

While waiting for the coming GE, begin to work on shortlisted candidates: candidates who are in to win, and to serve the nation, NOT in as a investor, hoping to make money out of political
career. Each MP candidate must write their own vision and proposal for a progressive Malaysia. For potential YB they must write on what they visualise as the best way to improve the quality of livelihood in their respective constinuecy. How they would go about be a real friend and representative of the people.

Those who are not listed should not cause any problem to the party----- just humbly give way to a better man.

This delay is good for Pakatan....make good use of the longer time available to explain our national problem to our people.
God bless Malaysia!

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