Sunday, February 21, 2010

Working towards Putrajaya

Time to move among the grass root level of Malaysians and know their sorrow and grievences. Do not stay above the people who voted you into power, otherwise ,you will be put out of power.

Get to hear them.....and give a public respond. Make known that you HEARD them, and that action will be taken to see to their needs.

Component party leaders in PKR must spent time thinking and write down:
1. What can PKR give to Malaysians if PKR is put into power?
2. How would PKR see that rakyat Malaysia both in the Desa and Bandar, lay man in the streets, benefit from the revenue of the nations? Can PKR ensure to lighten the financial burdens borne by rakyat Malaysia at the present moment?
3. Will the component parties work out well as a Team? Putting the nation first before party interest?
4. In what way can the component parties of PKR ensure rakyat Malaysia that they can amicably form the next government?

To move towards Putrajaya:
1. Component parties need to respect and submit to a charisma leadership ---- one who love Malaysia and dream of taking Malaysia to a higher level of achievement, giving priority to nation building and sharing the prosperity of the nation with ALL rakyat.

2. Upholding and treasuring our historical heritage. Never look down upon each others contribution in nation building. Credits are given where it is due. Tradition must be preseved where it is needed. Work it out together.

3. Establish a Ministry for Unity of Rakyat Malaysia. In this ministry appoint Heads of Department to Oversee the needs of each community.

4. Commitment to study and provide necessary aids to upgrade the standard of living among the orang Asli of Malaysia.

5. Commitment to improve the infrastructure of desa,kampong and village dwellers. To improve also its basic amenities.

6. Commitment to provide jobs to rakyat Malaysia through mechanise farming, food industries, and also the manufacturing sectors.

7. Review and improve housing schemes for the poor. Heavy subsidies for public transportation so that rakyat can travel with minimum cost.

8. Ensuring all bright and clever of Malaysian will get a place in higher education. Channelling those who are comfortable with their skills to go into technical training. Malaysia needs both the brain and the hands.

9. Work towards a cheaper cost of living.

10. Rid of corruption and cronism. Be the people's government not government of a few elite.

Unless PKR is united and strong, clear of their Vision for a Better Malaysia, no way can PKR step into Putrajaya.

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