Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Religion & Politic

All people must carry certain value system towards life. Religious value can influence human character and be a good guidance for governance system.

However, religious practices are limited to religious premises and to a particular group of followers. It cannot be force upon ALL people. However, its value can be use to propagate its religious faith.

Malaysia is not a religious body nor is it a religious premises. It is a nation with people of all different religious faith and culture. No one can dictate it to others except self and those who hold on to that same faith.

Thus Pakatan must not be a religious party. It is a political party aiming to rule and make Malaysia a better haven for its rakyat. However, Pakatan may want to implement some life value system from certain religious faith. Example to encourage rakyat Malaysia to fear God, so it encourages rakyat Malaysia to worship God. Thus Malaysia government under Pakatan may want to sponsor the building of places of worship for its free donation can be one way of incentive.

Pakatan may consider subsidies for some religious festivals, thus encouraging its rakyat to believe in God.

Pakatan may want to instil the value of "love for your neighbour" in its governing policy. Thus encourage rakyat Malaysia to care for senior citizens, to contribute towards orphanages etc.

Never make political party into a religion. Never try to Malaysia into a place of worship,instead of a nation.

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