Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Need of A Strong Opposition

We need a strong opposition in this 2008 general election. Let us hope that Rakyat Malaysia will realise this and make it their voice----through their votes.

We wanted to send a mesage to the country---- we need a good government to bless this land of Malaysia. To rid of corruption, to ensure social security in the country, to attract foreign investors, and to upgrade our educational standard.

We must bring the people together as One Rakyat Malaysia. We must not divide but to unite. Giving respect to all social and cultural differences, and taking a serious look into the poor of the nation. The Poor comes from the various people group, it is not necessarily coming from one particular people group.

We have to seriously considering machanised farming.
We must tap into the multi racial advantage of Malaysia Rakyat, making good use of the various talents and skill of each people group.
We must not allow religious differences to bar Malaysia from being a progressive and developed nation.

To check and balance any ruling political party, Malaysians must work on a two-party option. Now that we have BN we need another, I would call it Pakatan Rakyat.

Pakatan Rakyat places the rakyat Malaysia as its top priority in its agenda.
Pakatan Rakyat represents all the rakyat of Malaysia.
Pakatan Rakyat works for the rakyat and not the other way round.

To make this as its political objective, green flag background---representing life and growth of a Malaysia Baru.
Three joined rings represents multi racial composition of the rakyat.
Yellow ring reminds us to uphold and respect the King and the Constitution. Bring it back to the first Mederka Constitution, not allowing simply to do any amendment
Red ring represents the willingness of both the government and the rakyat to sacrifice for the growth and sovoreignty of Malaysia
Blue ring represents a nation that believes in God and eternity. Thus reminding the nation the blessing of God and the punishment of God.
This is Pakatan Rakyat Malaysia

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