Wednesday, February 27, 2013

United We Win

This is a critical moment. Let none among the PKR partners cause any more in-fightings or arguement. We must work together for Malaysia, not for a party. We must be sincere in our concern for Malaysia and the rakyat. Not just for a win.

Party leadership must take note of those who cause trouble and negative news report in the media. Disciplinary action should be taken immediately after the GE 13. Screen off all opportunists and keep only people who are really for the nation and the rakyat and the party.

Do not argue over any matter. Just tell the rakyat what they can expect when they win over BN.


Where the Wind Blows

Coming to the last lapse before GE 13 we can expect a strong psychological battle. The deceiving of the human mind with the intension of persuading a change of mindset.

Even though the mass media is reporting the swing of votes toward BN, how much truth is in the report? The Rakyat Survey and observation at rallies, at functions, and events and the shout of "No","No",,,, are the tell signs of votes on the side of Rakyat, not BN.

Do not argue over the matter in any public talks. Just mention: lies and falsehood is common in the report of our mass media. Rakyat should know how much they can trust the data of such report. However, all Rakyat Malaysia are tired of the tricks and hardship caused by corruption and misappropriating of public fund. I am sure Rakay Malaysia know who to vote for, to be a more responsible government of Malaysia.

Every vote counts. Do not waste your votes. Dont worry about BN, worry about our chidlren and our children's children. Vote for our next generation and the generations to come.

With so much $$$$ pumped into the public to win their votes (publicly mention in the program of giving out $$$), we are sure they will sin some votes. But I strongly believe, those who had received the $$$ will still vote them out.

Let our business sectors express their unhappiness of our economy and investment atmosphere with their votes for PKR.

Let all educated chidlren remind their parents at home to vote for PKR.

Let everyone win a few for PKR.

It is  a battle for the future of Malaysia.

The wind is is blowing on PKR side. You can make it happens. Malaysia Boleh!

Friday, February 15, 2013

An Open Letter to Our Security Forces

ALL speakers in any rally must begin to address some words to our security forces and police forces. What are we to tell them?

(1) Thank them for the good work they have done so far to ensure that Malaysia is a safe country to stay and free from undesire radicals.
(2) Reminding them of professionalism in their performances and in carrying out their duty.
(3) Reminding them that they ARE MALAYSIANS first before they are who they are. And so it is their duty to see that the country is manage well by whoever they have place into the government.
(4) Since they are Malaysians, they must protect their fellow citizens NOT political party. Their duty is to the KING and the NATION and not to a particular political figure.
(5) They can help shape the nation with their votes not their guns.
(6) This GE 13 is a time for them to express their concern for the nation and for their chidlren and their children's children. Their future is concern.
(7) Reminding them that they are receiving their pay from the people's money NOT from any individual.

PKR must address their needs and to improve their facilities. In fact, this is well taken care of by the present government, because the present government knows the important of keeping the security forces in place.

So PKR must remidn them of the folks in Kampong, and educational issue, the corruption issue etc. Hope our heroes and their leaders can visualise the situation of Malaysia at this point of time.

Every Vote Counts

Now that GE 13 is here, all of us must emphasise to our voters, at every rally, that every vote counts. Do not take it lightly.
It is D-Day for all Malaysians, a day to save Malaysia.

With so many added voters almost throughout the nation, voters NOT of Malaysia, but of foreign workers and illegal settlers in Malaysia, we need EVERY vote from ALL Malaysians who have the same conviction as PKR.

These votes are to counter the extras that are coming from unknown sources.

We do not vote with sympathy for any individual. We vote to make sure that Rakyat Malaysia wins and that we can save our country from financial disasters. We may not claim to have the answer as how to deal with ALL the corporate companies that belongs to the Dato dato, Tan Sri Tan Sri, and cronies of B-End, but we must check and not allow the situation to get worse.

We will sit down and have a panel of lawyers to study how we can get back all money from these corrupted people, returning them to the nation.

Tell the people, it is so serious that the rakyat must win, and PKR will take up the role to manage the nation for the people. If PKR fails, the people can always vote us out again.

If Rakyat Malaysia can give BN over 57 years to manage the country, how about give PKR a term and see how ALL will benefit from good governance.

So far, PKR is doing press on toward the finishing line. Ubah! Change! Putrajaya we come!

It is time for ALL Malaysian political parties who are really concern for Malaysia to come togather to save Malaysia. It is time for all police and army personnel who love Malaysia to vote for PKR and place PKR into Putrajaya......It is time to save our beloved nation with your votes, not your guns. In time of peace not in time of war. Do it this time.Loyalty to the King and nation, NOT to a political party, nor for monetary gain.