Friday, February 15, 2013

An Open Letter to Our Security Forces

ALL speakers in any rally must begin to address some words to our security forces and police forces. What are we to tell them?

(1) Thank them for the good work they have done so far to ensure that Malaysia is a safe country to stay and free from undesire radicals.
(2) Reminding them of professionalism in their performances and in carrying out their duty.
(3) Reminding them that they ARE MALAYSIANS first before they are who they are. And so it is their duty to see that the country is manage well by whoever they have place into the government.
(4) Since they are Malaysians, they must protect their fellow citizens NOT political party. Their duty is to the KING and the NATION and not to a particular political figure.
(5) They can help shape the nation with their votes not their guns.
(6) This GE 13 is a time for them to express their concern for the nation and for their chidlren and their children's children. Their future is concern.
(7) Reminding them that they are receiving their pay from the people's money NOT from any individual.

PKR must address their needs and to improve their facilities. In fact, this is well taken care of by the present government, because the present government knows the important of keeping the security forces in place.

So PKR must remidn them of the folks in Kampong, and educational issue, the corruption issue etc. Hope our heroes and their leaders can visualise the situation of Malaysia at this point of time.

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