Monday, November 5, 2012

Critical Moment---play it for the LOVE of Malaysia

The air is clearing---- it is for PKR's favor.
Rakyat Malaysia have awakened. Rakyat Malaysia know the real situation of Malaysia. Rakyat Malaysia know where has ALL the revenue of the nation gone to. Rakyat Malaysia know who are the owners of major giant corporattion controlling the economic of the nation.

Rakyat Malaysia are NOT fools ! Rakyat Malaysia may not be exposed enough to compete with the people around the globe due to our unreaalistic educational system, but Rakyat Malaysia are learned people, NOT fools.

Kebangkitan Rakyat ---- people awakening, is the wind that blows in this coming General Election. Rakyat Malaysia wanted to save Malaysia. Rakyat Malaysia wanted Malaysia to belong to the Rakyat and NOT to a few families that dictate our future. We wanted a change this time.

We wanted a practical educational system, where students are really learning, teachers are really teaching, and the administrators must do their own admin jobs: not passing the ball to the teachers, making the teachers stress out and disgusted. We wanted to be suitable for the market place not becoming jobless and useless after graduation.

We wanted to see more foreign investors coming back to Malaysia. We wanted to create jobs for Malaysians, not pretending that everything is fine by absorbing graduates into public services and wasted away in their talents and losing the pride as an individual. We wanted evey Malaysian  WALKING TALL with confidence and pride of professionalism.

Don't get into any more debates, or arguement. Just concentrating on telling the people what to expect when Rakyat menang, PKR is placed into Putrajaya. Don't bark on the minor subjects, but exposing the corruption in the nation, and presenting to the people what PKR hopes to do for ALL rakyat.

Get ready for the is round the corner. PKR must show true and genuine love for the people and the nation. not for power! Make PKR a different. Win as a team, not for a particular party. For those who may not be place in as candidates for the coming election, give your full support for the sake of a better Malaysia. Not time for personal glory, it is for national interest, and to save Malaysia.

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