Thursday, June 21, 2012

New Management for New Malaysia

Malaysia must be managed professionally.
If PKR is placed into Putrajaya how could PKR manage Malaysia professionally?
* Put the right man to the right portfolio
* Each Ministry can employ some renowned personalities from among us (in the universities, secular sectors etc) to form an advisory board (AB). This AB is to advice and assist the minister of that particular ministry to carry out their projects, policies etc in its best.
* Each ministry can have a special personnel to attend to feedbacks and complaints from the public sector. Such feedback must be brought to the attention of the Minister as well as the AB.

* Top priority must given to reviving our national economy with more foreign investments.
* A retraining program for Malaysians in order to place them into the various fields of employment.

* The new management must work towards cutting down the heavy financial burden of the public --- looking into things such as removing highway tol, bringing down petrol prices, subsidies to agricultural sectors to encourage greater machanised agricultural investments.
* Using the billions saved from over priced projects and corruption in high places to finance higher education, thus enable more Malaysians to be equiped for nation development.

* Each state in the country will be given more rooms to develop their own states, both financed by state avenue as well as federal allocations. We hope to see modern public transportation systems being introduced, ths reducing the demand for motor vehicles.
* Control the import of foreign vehicles, instead encourage the use of Malaysian made vehicles. This time, it will be priced at an affordable price for Malaysians.

***Many more can be expected if PKR is given a chance to manage Malaysia.

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