Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Watch Your Action and Your Word

It is Generation Election time! People are out to talk bad about Pakatan Raykat---be it true or untrue. Just to creat doubts in people's mind about what Pakatan is all about. By so doing, the opponent stand to win some fence sitters, sure to get a few more votes.

NO POINT doing the same thing like them. Need not have to justify yourself for things you did not do, or things not true. Just leaving it as it is. Instead, be positive.....telling the Rakyat what Pakatan will do and what BN had done to make Malaysia in great debts.

You can also just pass a statement..... what is said about Pakatan, Rakyat Malaysia surely can tell the truth from election propaganda ! The truth is in the hearts of all rakyat Malaysia.

Member parties in Pakatan must not give cause for attack or faults for descrediting the achievement of Pakatan state government. Please be People Oriented in all policies. Do not cause hardship to any sectors in our society. Be people friendly in our practices.

Time to watch out for words and actions that may give a bad reputation of Pakatan. Whatever that is wrong, apologise and make it right. Remember, Pakatan has dome more in just 3 years ....what if it is given the chance to Putrajaya.Much more can be done for the benefit of the rakyat and the nation.

Get prepared.

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