Friday, March 18, 2011

Malaysian Malaysia In Its Making

In Malaysia there is no real racial dishormony. What 'threat', what 'privileges' are the making of politicians. This was created to disunite the Rakyat so that politicians can continue to rule and drain off the public fund into personal properties.

In Malaysia, politics=money making. We must change it to politics=national building. People must NOT think of money making in politic. People must think along the line of taking up the privilege to lead the nation into a better developed nation---pride of the sons of the soil---- real Malaysian mindset.

Think Malaysians and work towards building a better Malaysia.
It is not party against party, it is a challenge of who can rule better. BN has tried 53 years and more, and had failed in many aspect of so call ' national aspiration', BN then must give way to let PR to see if PR can do better.

PR must give a seminar to guide the potential candidates for the coming general election:
1. What PR hopes to achieve when PR comes into power
2. Allow each potential candidate to tell of their aspiration of a good YB and MP
3. Remind them of how corruption can ruin the spirit of human life, and how PR would treat each YB or MP when they are found guilty og corruption.
4. Remind them of the disciplinary action if any of the elected one betray the trust of their voters by 'party hopping'.etc etc

PR must be serious of bringing about a true Malaysian Malaysia.
PAS must seriously consider how to make good use of religious value (spiritual value) to influence the administration of a multi racial, mulri religious society. PAS must declare and convince their voters that they are NOT religious fanatic, but men of spiritual value. PAS must share their dream of encouraging such values in the life of MUSLIM rakyat and showing respect and acceptance of a multi racial multi religious society.
DAP on the other hand must humble themselves and show more concern for rakyat as a whole rather than harpping on Chinese community needs etc. DAP must show itself as a multi-racial political party, having dream of a good gorvernance together with other PR partners.

Set a rule of in door consultations over trivial matters. Not to get publicity before a matter is seriously looked over. No one is a champion for any community group----it is Malaysian Malaysia. Be a champion for the Rakyat not of an ethnic group.

get going...get ready for the coming election.

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