Saturday, August 9, 2008

Malaysia In The Next 50 years

What do you see in Malaysia in the next 50 years?If there is no change in our mind set Malaysia gets poorer, cost of living higher, corruption worsen, many government projects failed. More millionaires are created from one community, if not from a few families in the ruling classes.Many out spoken politicians are put away in jail.

But this is what true Malaysians would not want to see. We wanted to see something better.We wanted to see PKR ruling the nation. We wanted to see that our King is consulted in many government would be projects. We wanted to see the the Sultans and Governors play a more important role in overseeing the governing of the states.

We wanted to see Bahasa Malaysia is highly respected and used in all government and official matters. However, English is well grasped by the majority of Malaysian population as a tool for technology development and internatioal business transaction.We wanted to see that Malaysians of all communities are working hand in hand and side by side in all government departments.
We wanted to see Malaysians of different communities holding position of great importance in various government departments.

We see agricultural development given a stronger emphasis.Lands are leased out to organised Farming community for modern machanised farming. Subsidies are beig given to finance such farming, so that the harvest can be sold at a cheaper price to benefit the general consumers.
Incentive are given for a good harvest. This encourages farmers to be more productive in their agricultural projects.

We see good roads accessible to such rural setting. Thus making life in the rural setting just as convenience as in the urban setting.Public transportation is easily available.Schools and clinics are available to all these farming community.

In the next 50 years we should see how the government truely value the cream of the nation. University places are available to all of them. A new catogary of blue colar community is produced by the various vovational institutions. They are offered certificates and diploma for employment in the various industries, and even being given loans to start their own little service businesses.

We hope to see a better developed rural settings with modern homes and recreative facilities.
We hope to see better town planning in many newly established townships.More emphasis in building clean and healthy enviroment, convenient public transport and lesser vehicles on the road.Cleaner rivers and green cities. Quality of living enviroment is considered and not merely building concrete jungles throughout the length and breadth of Malaysia.

No more talks on communal issues, but more on national issues given much thoughts refering to Malaysians in general.God bless Malaysia.

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