With all the court cases around our beloved leader Anwar, PKR especially, must think of a new generation of leadership to face the coming PR14.
In fact, the tell sign for our beloved Anwar is that, it is time for preparing a vibrant generation of leadership for PKR in particular, and for Pakatan Rakyat in general.
Age is another factor, and soon health will be another contributing factor to consider. Instead of beating round the buses, let us prepare for a new generation of vibrant leadership for PKR.
Let the whole nation be reminded, even without our beloved Anwar, we still have lots of people like Anwar. With or without our beloved Anwar, the rakyat will still fight on for a new Malaysia.
Hope to have the attention of all level of leadership, let us pull together in one spirit and in one accord, giving our undivided loyalty to our would be leaders in PKR. Do not fight among ourselves, we are to fight for a change in Malaysia ---- for a better Malaysia. People oriented, nation building in view, and eradicate corruption in all levels.
Malaysia must progress or else the rakyat will suffer at the end. Respect and support for all communities in our nation ---- a multiracial Malaysia.