Monday, May 23, 2011

When We Move In Racial Politic...

Do you know what we mean when politicians move along racial politic? Read how extreme one can be!

Oleh Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani
KUALA LUMPUR, 22 Mei – Beberapa pemimpin Islam mempersoalkan kesetiaan bukan Islam di negara ini sambil menggesa hak komuniti itu perlu dinilai semula jika Malaysia benar-benar dianggap sebagai negara Islam.
Bekas Yang Dipertua Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (Yadim) Datuk Nakhaie Ahmad (gambar) berkata, layanan kepada bukan Muslim seharusnya berdasarkan pada kontrak sosial yang telah dipersetujui.
Malah kata beliau kerajaan nampak terlalu bermurah hati kepada kaum-kaum bukan Islam.
“Dalam usaha untuk mendapatkan undi dan sokongan bukan Muslim, kita begitu bermurah hati dalam memberikan hak-hak sivil.
“Hak-hak sivil yang diberikan termasuk hak untuk mengundi, penyertaan dalam politik, memegang jawatan, pembabitan dalam ketenteraan dan sebagainya, tetapi kita memberikan mereka segala-galanya,” kata beliau.

"kita memberikan"---it sound like the people he was talking about were not Malaysians!Sound like refugee from some unknown country.
Calling Malaysia an Islamic Sate had given the impression that the non muslim rakyat Malaysia are not Malaysians at all. Whereas the constitution has only spell out the Islam is the Agama Rasmi of Malaysia. How dangerous when Malaysians do not abide closely to the Constitution.

Oleh itu, kata beliau, tawaran hak kepada bukan Islam seharusnya berdasarkan amalan-amalan agama Islam.
Nakhaie menekankan bahawa bukan Muslim yang melanggar kontrak sosial mesti dibuang negara.
Justeru beliau meminta kerajaan mengambil pendekatan tegas untuk menjaga kepentingan Muslim negara ini.
"Jika mereka melanggar perjanjian kita, maka mereka adalah musuh kita dan mesti dibuang dari negara ini," katanya.
"Kita tidak harus kompromi dengan mereka. Kita mesti tegas dengan mereka apabila menyentuh kontrak sosial yang dipersetujui," katanya lagi.

He seems to suggest that those non muslim Malaysians who have failed to abide to the Social
Contract must be chase out of their own mother land---Malaysia.

Malah kata beliau, adalah penting jawatan tinggi kerajaan tidak diberikan kepada bukan Muslim demi kepentingan negara.
“Kita tidak boleh beri jawatan penting kerajaan kepada bukan Muslim memandangkan bukan Islam tidak boleh menjadi menteri di negara Islam. Ketua tentera juga tidak boleh diberikan kepada bukan Muslim.
"Tanpa memikirkan mengenai masa depan negara kita, kita memberikan mereka semua," katanya sambil menambah tindakan memberikan hak sivil mesti diseimbangkan dengan amalan Islam agar faham keadilan dalam Islam dan sistem Islam.
Dalam pada itu, timbalan presiden Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (ISMA) Zamri Hashim pula berkata Muslim sewajarnya melihat menjangkaui afiliasi politik demi matlamat perjuangan yang lebih besar.
“Kita mesti melihat di luar (ruang) politik. Agenda Melayu sangat penting untuk (kita) tidak boleh tidak ambil peduli dan majoriti Melayu adalah Muslim. Bukan lagi tentang PAS dan Umno,” kata timbalan mufti Perak ini.
Timbalan presiden Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia Dr Mohd Rumaizuddin Ghazali juga menekankan bahawa Malaysia tidak harus menjadi negara sekular.
“Ini kerana ramai ahli politik bukan Muslim mahu mengisytiharkan negara ini sebagai negara sekular, maka kerajaan tidak perlu membiayai program agama.

How facts can be distorted by politicians as well as people who are ill informed of history. Malaysia is always a secular country with Islam as its offical religion. This is history. The so call special privilege was to safe guard of this very important fact of history. Now it has been distorted. Unless Malaysians stick to the Constitution and stand by the true historical fact, we are in trouble.

“Mereka bimbang bahawa jika kita terima Malaysia sebagai negara Islam maka ada banyak implikasi, bermakna hanya Muslim yang ada hak untuk menerajui negara ini,” katanya.
Mohd Rumaizuddin menambah orang Melayu diinjak-injak manakala bukan Muslim pula mengambil kesempatan ke atas mereka.
“Disebabkan politik, kita masih belum bebas selepas lebih 50 tahun negara merdeka,” katanya.
Presiden Hizbut Tahrir Malaysia Abdul Hakim Othman menambah perlembagaan negara mesti digantikan kerana ia digunal oleh penjajah British.

"kita masih belum bebas" What is he trying to say? Bebas from UMNOputraism? or Bebas from Colonialism? or what..... We are to uphold Democracy and uphold our Merdeka Constitution of 1957. That was how Malaya followed by Malaysia was established.

To save Malaysia from extremism, we need to change to Pakatan Rakyat in the next coming general election. Who has indoctrinated the mind of racism in Malaysia? The answer is simple. What we need to educate ourselves is that WE ARE MALYSIANS loving and building up this land of MALAYSIA in harmony and in unity. Giving room and freedom to religious practices, and allowing the Rakyat the freedom of choice of any political party believing in democracy.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

What went wrong? NEP? Grant? Priority? or Education

I came across the following article in my mail. I felt that whoever is the next government of Malaysia, they should set to re educate the Malay community to thrifty and good value of life. Should introduce new measures to let them grow and earn their living like any ordinary Malaysians, with some government asistance. Otherwise, the community will not learn to value whatever they own and would not be willing to plan ahead. Why? Tunggu peruntukan kerajaan mah! Too dependent on aids. Read for yourselves...

*Govt Was Right 35 Years Ago ...By Retired Umno Man

Umno, the Malay Chamber of Commerce, Perkasa, Ibrahim Ali, and what not are shouting, ranting, raving, screaming & hollering about ‘nasib Melayu’ or the plight of the Malays, in particular the Malays of Penang.I don’t know what Ibrahim Ali was doing back in the mid-1970s but judging from the age of many of those others in the crowd I think many of them tak sunat lagi back in the mid-1970s. Tak sunat lagi means you are so young that you are not circumcised yet & your little dick still has its foreskin.

Yes, back in the mid-1970s - 35 years or so ago when I was still in my 20s & not even 30 yet - I was already fighting to improve the lot of the Malays. And 35 years ago those shouting, ranting, raving, screaming & hollering today were either too damn young or were not even born yet. We realised even back then that if something were not done the Malays would be left out. We realised that unless something were done now, 35 years ago, the Malays would be left behind. So we sat down with various Malay leaders & those who walk in the corridors of power - the Prime Minister included - to plan & chart the future of the Malays. And we did this for more than 20 years from the mid-1970s to the mid-1990s before I decided it was a lost cause & that I had better move on to other things.

The problem we faced was as what the then Minister of Trade & Industry, Rafidah Aziz said: Melayu mampu daya maju, tapi tak mampu daya tahan. This came from the Minister herself & means the Malays can be viable but can’t be sustainable. Malays can achieve success but can’t sustain the success. The Minister then revealed details & lamented about all the wealth the government gave the Malays in the form of land, concessions, permits, ‘pink slips’ on new stock exchange listings, and what not, which, if the Malays had kept, would mean the Malays would have far exceeded the 30% target of the New Economic Policy.But the Malays did not keep this wealth. The Malays sold it. The land, concessions, permits, ‘pink slips’ on new stock exchange listings, and what not, were all sold. So the Malay holding reduced & ended up in the hand of the non-Malays. This was what troubled the government, the Malay leaders, those who walk in the corridors of power, and us in the Malay Chamber of Commerce. So they now lament about how left behind the Malays in Penang are.

They should chart the progression of the Malays in Penang from 224 years ago until today & analyse at what point it went up & went down again. Were the Malays driven out? Were the Malays pushed out? Or did the Malays sell out? And why & how did the Malays sell out?There is such a thing called the law of supply & demand. There is such a thing called market forces. There is such a thing called willing buyer, willing seller. When there is a demand there will be a seller. And since there was a demand for land in Penang then for sure the landowners would sell. It is all about making a profit.So Penang developed. It became known as the Pearl of the Orient. So the capitalists moved in, as capitalists always do anywhere in the world where there is money to be made. And the Malays saw the route to easy & quick cash available to them. So they sold their land for a lot of money & moved on to another place where the land was cheaper. Now they could have their cake & could eat it too. They sold their small piece of land in Penang for a lot of money & bought an even bigger piece of land, say in Kedah, for a small amount of money & still had a lot of money left to go to Mekah, send theirkids to university, and what not.

Today, many of those old folks & landowners of the 1960s & 1970s are dead. They are no longer alive. Their land in Penang had been sold off long before they died. And their children & grandchildren no longer own land in Penang. This is because the old folks had sold it off when they were still young or before they were born. Today, the Malays are angry because the land in Penang is owned mainly by the non-Malays. But this is so not because the non Malays stole the land but because the Malays sold it for a lot of money. It is what any property owner would do when the property they bought for RM100 two world wars ago can now fetch RM500k on the open market. Only a fool would turn down RM500k in profit.

The more the Malays scream about being left behind in Penang the more the Malays would look stupid & would be revealing their weaknesses. Back in the 1970s the government already sighed & lamented that come the year 2000, the Malays would still be left with nothing.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Trick Upto the Sleeve

Trying so hard to put away Anwar so as to get ready for the coming General Election.
Still realising that without Anwar the hot back can still be felt, it is still a threat to BN.
So trying hard to deregister Party Keadilan! Wow!!!

This goes to tell BN is losing in the coming general election. They are trying hard to play their game to win,by whatever mean it may be.

Member leaders of PR must come together for a close door meeting to hit back.

Member leaders must stay in one spirit, with strong will and confidence to win in the election. Play it well.

Whatever the counter measure may be, keep it a confidential matter. Do not leak it to the press. Do not give BN a chance to react.

Get ready for the general election. Put candidates in to win, from whatever member party may be...just to win over and move into Putrajaya.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Change In Putrajaya Is What Lies Next

Justice, Fairness, and Uprightness is what people expected from the ruling party. However, when it resort to creat disunity, disharmony, and discontentment with many lies and unfounded speculation, it it time for it to go.

Telling the people not to support an immoral politician.....not forgetting about so many of the same kind among their own team. Yet the one they are pointing at is yet to be convicted.

Casting fear among the people that some are going to make this a country of a different religious priority....forgetting that they are holding so much power that a handful of commoner can neaver dream to do it. Such lies do not hold waters! Not possible.

Telling the rakyat that the nations wealth is in the hand of some minority people.....forgetting so many of their own kind are owners of multi-million enterprises.

What Rakyat Malaysia must do in this coming general election------give ourselves a chance with a change over to PR Government for a term or two.Let PR move into Putrajaya and see what happen next.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

What is the real Problem?

A Beautiful article, well written for all Malaysians to ponder and act:

What is 1 Malayu and 1 Bumi?

When Khir Toyo gave his undivided support for the 1 Melayu 1 Bumi idea, he asked what was wrong with it. Many things are wrong with it. Firstly, if the idea is that we need a movement to “unify” all Malays and Bumiputera under one political party (which is UMNO, presumably) it will not happen; not now, not ever. Malays are not sheep that will follow the likes of Ibrahim Ali and Khir Toyo without thinking.

There have been Malay leaders in UMNO who have tried since Merdeka to get this kind of narrow racial unity going, but to no avail. Indeed, they came up with their idea of “unity” not because they genuinely cared about the welfare of the Malays; but to sustain their race-based party which is the only political model they know. They are not prepared to change. They are not prepared to meet the changing world with honest courage. They are not brave enough to admit that their model of “unity” does not work. So, when the Malays support or join other parties, these politicians will cry wolf and create fear with race and religion. In the words of Khir Toyo: “For the Malay people themselves, the voting pattern of the Chinese and the policy of the DAP, which seems to be anti-everything that involves the interests of the Bumiputera and the religion of Islam, are clear indicators that there already is a wave that wants to empower the Chinese race in politics after they have taken control of the economy.”
What control? What power?

What leaders like Khir Toyo and Ibrahim Ali fail to understand is that political power is not everything. Even without this recent “unity call”, the Malays are already in complete political control. More than two-thirds of the Cabinet is Malay. Even the Barisan Nasional is just a coalition in name, and the way the Government does things shows that UMNO is not “first amongst equals” but, simply, “first”. And this happens not just in the Federal Government: more than two-thirds of Parliamentarians are Malay or Bumiputera. The Sultans are Malay. All except one of the Menteri Besar and Chief Ministers are Malay-Bumiputera. Eighty-five percent of the Civil Service are Malay, including the diplomatic corps and the educational and judicial services. The Armed Forces and Police are composed primarily of Malays. Rela members are mostly Malay.
And what about the claim that the Chinese are in sole control of the economy? Have Khir Toyo and Ibrahim Ali forgotten about Government-Linked Companies (GLCs) such as Maybank, PETRONAS, Telekom Malaysia, TNB, Khazanah Nasional, PNB, Media Prima, Felda, Sime Darby, and many others, the vast majority of which are owned by the Government and managed by Malay-Bumiputera? The G-20 group of largest listed GLCs alone possess RM353 billion (around half) of the market capitalisation of the entire Bursa Malaysia.

Are we to believe that, despite all this, the Malays and Bumiputera are still not in power? What more control do people like Khir Toyo want?

We Malays do not need to control more than what we already have. Instead, we need to have a competitive spirit coupled with the right work attitudes and values. Individuals, not corporations, need more capital and know-how. We need to harness our entrepreneurial spirit. We need to have the right educational options so that we understand the history of our nation properly—so we understand the meaning of democracy, rights and freedom. Then, and only then, will we learn to be at peace with others in the country and face the changes taking place around us.

None of these things requires us to have more control over anything other than our own abilities. In fact, the kind of “control” that Khir Toyo wants is partly the cause of the dependency syndrome amongst the Malays, which encourages us to feel that we are entitled to special treatment all the time.

To look at it from the another perspective: if people like Khir Toyo and Ibrahim Ali were right, and control is indeed central to the advancement of the Malays, then surely the Malays would have grown very advanced in education technology and finance after all these years of control. So, if Malays remain poor and uncompetitive today—if we still lack capital and business opportunities—then it is the duty of responsible political leaders to identify the real root causes of these deficiencies.

Can Khir Toyo and others like him explain to the Malays what can be achieved in this regard if, say, PAS joined UMNO? What benefits will Malay political unity bring to the education system? What reforms will it bring for a better administration of the country? Will there be less corruption if there is more Malay control than there already is?

No, because the lack of Malay unity and political control is not the root cause of these problems. It is not even remotely related to these problems at all. In fact, if there were more of the control that Khir Toyo and his kind want, there will be more of the dependency syndrome, more insecurity, more feelings of entitlement without having to strive for anything through education and honest work.
These so-called “leaders” must stop crying wolf and start looking at ways to help improve what is clearly a terrible situation. They must help the Malays and Bumiputera identify opportunities and make best use of them according to their abilities, and if these abilities are not enough, then these leaders must help improve them. They must help students get a better education and skills through better teachers and lecturers.

It is straightforward, but it requires hard work and not empty rhetoric. The call for “control” and “unity” does nothing except sweep the need for real work under the carpet.

The real enemies of the Malays are ignorance and lack of knowledge. Those leaders who demand “unity” and “control” should look in the mirror and ask: “Is this really the best I can do for my people?”

Zaid Ibrahim

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Racial Politic Must Be Uprooted

Read into the news, whether or not it is from BN or from any partners in PR, very often you read that the issue is on "representation". It is not an emphasis that certain constituency must be represnted, it is certain racial community must be represented. This is racial politic.

Even when one partner insisted that certain candidates from a racial group must stand in certain constituency and others will challenge and said it should be represented by certain people from another racial community. This is racial politic.

All these 50 over years of racial politic must be uprooted gradually. All elected YBs must represent ALL communities and not just a certain community. All YBs must represent their constituency and not just for a certain racial community. It is MALAYSIAN that we wanted to cultivate into our mindset not "MY RACIAL COMMUNITY".

For a better Malaysia, MALAYSIANS of good talent must be placed in positions of leadership and administration in gevernment agencies. NOT just an equation of racial composition. See ourselves as Malaysians and live and act like a Malaysian.

God help us! People that can win the support of a constituency is the right candidate for the job. Not just a share from the various racial community. It is the job of Malaysian to win and to move Malaysia into a bright future.

Friday, May 6, 2011

PAS Must Make a Public Statement of their Political Agenda

If election is coming, PAS must make a public statement of their present political agenda. PAS must not give the rakyat any bit of doubt it its political agenda. It is NOT WRONG to uphold religious value in politic:value like justice for all rakyat, compassion for the unfortunate and poor, godliness in adPASministration, no corruption and no greed of material world, and care for all senior citizen through an excellent welfare biro etc.

PAS may have to make a public statement reagrding its previous agenda of a Islamic nation, it may have to consider a secular nation with Islamic value in practice, confining Islamic agenda to only the muslims in the country.

The PR victory depends much on PAS getting a fair share of the support from the rakyat. Otherwise PAS lost may become BN's winning tickets. BN may want to cast doubts and persuade the people not to support it is up to PAS to fight back with open declaration, clearing doubts that are influenced by BN

Put in effort to win over this time.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Overcoming Lies with Open Declaration

Since BN chose to repeat doubts and lies through a lengthy procedure, it is now upto Anwar to counter these lies and unfounded accusation with OPEN DECLARATION through all MEDIA to neutralise the effect of mental influences.

Thus leave the verdict with the people. You just cannot be too passive, the counter action must be active and progressive too. The people must listen to both sides and form their own conclusion. Remaining silence and ignoring it is not the way to battle this attack. It must be an open challenge for truth and showing the rakyat that they fear PR in this coming general election.

While Anwar is battling to win the trust and confidence of the rakyat, PR must gear up for the coming General Election, it can be anytime. No time to waste.

Tell the nation what PR hopes to achieve if given the mandate to govern Malaysia! This is what the rakyat wanted to know. This is what BN fear most.......they only play the race card, protecting the right of a community from non existing fear....... making a fool of themselves.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Who is threatened in Malaysia?

If you just be sincere and careful, you only hear BN threntening the rakyat with fear and uncertainty for the future. Has anyone pause to ponder who is being threatened?

BN is threatening the Rakyat that some rights are being taken away from them. Who has the power to take away anybody's right in Malaysia?

Nobody except the one who had rule the nation in the past 50 over years.
How can the kueh teow seller and the mee seller takes away the right of anybody? Nonsense.
It was the authority who has the right to take away the right of the hawkers (selling over 50 years in the spot) and withdraw their hawker's license and vacate the site.
The coffee shop chit chat can never remove the right of anybody, but the authority can withdraw the permit of a newpaper to silence them from reporting what the authority would not like the rakyat to know.

In fact, when rakyat Malaysia had enough of the corrupt practices and high handed action of the authority, they voted against the rule of the day. They wanted a change for the better. Thus someone getting used to such corruption is being threatened. They might lose the opportunity to make millions out of politic. Thus they thought they can poison the mind of the rakyat to hatred and be disunited.

Oh no..... rakyat Malaysia had suffered from high rise cost of living, unfair pricing of many comodities, even buying more expensive Malaysian made vehicles etc. No amount of lies and drama can change our decision. We want a change for the better.

In fact, BN is being threatened. Come the next general elction, BN may end their ruling game. Rakyat Malaysia wanted to return the rights of every citizen to the rakyat. Rakyat Malaysia bersatu dalam Malaysian Malaysia. Rakyat not interested to go on with racial politic. It had hurt the nations ecenomic growth. It had drain off many talented citizens. What pride to sit in the Chair in a broken and shattered house. Why not mingle among the people who are productive, creative, and united, together building up Malaysia and a home for all.

Rakyat is awakened..... poor rakyat cannot live with such high cost, while rich elite have golden gate, golden toilets, private jet etc. Rakyat wanted to return the national revenue to the Rakyat, so that we can have cheap cost of living, enjoing comfortable and easily available public facilities.

PR hopes to play the role of a good public servant, serving the Rakyat in place of BN. Those black sheep in PR will not stand a chance when their greed and poor performances are throw right into their own faces.

No one's right is being threatened. Only those who are corrupt and making millions in politic are being threatened. Their days are numbered.