Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Are You For Rakyat Malaysia

UMNO has made it so obvious that BN=UMNO and UMNO=BN. May I suggest that all component parties of the BN to seriously asked themselves: are you for Rakyat Malaysia or are you for UMNO? In the next general election all the rakyat will determine whether your party should be accounted for. If you are for the rakyat and also for the conviction of a Malaysian Malayisa, leave BN and let it be really UMNO=BN and BN=UMNO.

We love the nation. We are for a better Malaysia. Whosoever is on the rakyat side, the rakyat will support. Whosoever is entering politic just for monetary benefit, we suggest that you go into business.

If you are in politic you must have a love to rule and manage the country, and be proud to see how Malaysia will excel in all fields and develop into a modern self sufficient nation.If you do not have a political ambiton for Malaysia, leave politic for business.

This is the time for all component parties of BN to send a message to UMNO that BN must be a corporated party and not a sole propriety of UMNO.Otherwise, just leave and join PKR and work towards a god fearing, just and fair government. No use talking about god and living in corruption. No use having the form of religion and pratice evil.

Monday, July 28, 2008

It's A Battle To Regain Lost ground

How do you see the recent action of UMNO? It is a political battle to regain lost ground.
Both Psychological warfare and Tactical warfare are employed.
Psychologically, UMNO hopes to break the unity of PKR and also cast doubts on the capability of PKR. PAS has almost fallen into the trap. PKR members has also nearly fallen to its trap to raise up the mistrust of PAS. Half the battle is won. The remianing half is to see the suspicion and disunity of PKR member parties.

PKR members must come together again to show the rakyat that YOU ARE ONE. Not a show but in total commitment and sincerity. Do not make a fool of the rakyat, we know whether it is sincere or just a political gimmick.

Tactically, UMNO is using racial and religion cards. Being the ruling party, UMNO has always be above the law when come to playing racial sentiments. For example BN members can go to the street to show their muscles, but if the same is carried out by any other parties, you see the police rushing into action. It is an open secret even at the talks in coffee shops.

What UMNO has forgotten is the present generation of rakyat is no fools. They are the one who is being played out after the 50 years of history. We see the poor still need subsidies, the the rich is getting richer. Everyone knows who are those who hold on to high positions in big corporate companies, driving big cars, staying in big bunglows, owning big amount of shares and stocks. Whatever may be claimed by the authority, the rakyat knows who had robbed them of their national wealth. Such card only cause emotional upset but has no impact on the rakyat as a whole.

So PKR should just ignore it and get on with running the states, proving to the rakyat what you can do. Showing the rakyat your are different from BN. Do not fall into the tricks of your opponents.

Resolving In-House Matters

The recent direct talks between UMNO and PAS surely will give rise of lots of suspicions as to the poltical stand of PAS on Pakatan Rakyat. However, suspicions is not a fact. In order to clear the doubt and get the facts, members of Pakatan Rakyat should call for a top level dialogue. It should be made known as a standrad proceeding that if there be any misunderstanding between member parties, a red line phone call should be available. Or in this IT age, make available an email address for immediate communication to arrange for a top level talk.

Do not allow open discussion, or giving comment to media before such top level talk.
If PKR wanted to prove to rakyat Malaysia of its maturity and capability to handle issues, leaders must restrain from making public comment before the particular matter is discussed at the top level talks.

Rakyat Malaysia is giving PKR a chance to prove itself. Do not misuse the opportunity or damage the confidence the rakyat has put into PKR.

Malaysia Boleh!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

True Unity For All Malaysians

Of late we read that UMNO is playing another racial card, attracting PAS for a talk of Malay unity and making religion as a bait. What is the whole rational behind? I believe UMNO is hoping to make use of this card to hold on to the rule of the country---- knowing well that UMNO is losing ground the more they make a fuss of it all.

What we should have learnt from our 308 general election is that we need to promote national unity----true Malaysian unity for the growth and a better Malaysia. Sad to say, the craze of power had caused some blindspot in leadership and the greed of material wealth had blotted out their rational mind. They are still hoping to work from racial card.

As the voice of Rakyat Malaysia, we call for a true Malaysian unity. May I remind all component parties in the BN to give a serious thought for true unity. A platform where every rakyat and every communal group in this beautiful land is given an opportunity to grow with the nation. We cry out for the sake of our coming generation--- our children's children. BN had failed for the last 50 years, but succeeded in creating millionaires. However, at the expense of poor rakyat, both the kampong folks as well as the struggling town folks from every communal groups.

Has the policy benefited the poor? No. The policy has benefited the ruling class. Just check it out, before they come into UMNO what was their economic status. Having joined in the rich wagon, what do they own now? This is common sense to the rakyat, an open secret even at simple district level. There is a saying, join BN and get rich!

Oh no. Not for those who love Malaysia. Malaysia should get rich, the national reserve should get rich. The rakyat should enjoy the riches of the nation, not just the special class of pepole.

So if you believe in unity, let us throw our support behind PKR, support it, and witness the unity of Rakyat Malaysia. We must work towards a just governance, a clean management, a caring nation. Unless Malaysians can shade the racial mentality, no way will Malaysia grow and become rich and developed. Leave religion to their followers, and allow government to practise fair and just policy to all rakyat Malaysia.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Responsibility & Accountability

I am sure all the elected MPs are watching the "drama" both in the parliment house as well as in the "arrest episodes" of both Anwar and also Raja Petra. No one is above the law. If it is a crime, let the court of law prove their wrong. If it is actions with political intent, let the law of justice protect the innocent.

Ever since 308 Malaysians have not rested. Much had taken place and life is getting tough for all simple rakyat. Let us get going, helping to bring back law and order to the land, and work hard to solve the hardship of all rakyat Malaysia. Stop playing with politic and start planning and working out solutions to help Malaysia to get over the present economy crisis.

All politicians must accept the results of 308 and improve on their performance to win back the support from the rakyat. From what is going on, politicians do not seem to learn their lesson from the last election. Component parties in the BN do not seem to exist. We seem to see UMNO representing BN and acting and talking as if there is only one party in BN. Component parties in BN must voice out regarding some of the actions and policy implemented recently. As rakyat of Malaysia we take it that all of you have agreed to all the things introduced since 308.

The rakyat will make you all responsible and accountable for all the actions and policy thus implemented. Rakyat Malaysia will know what to do and who to support in the next coming general election or state election. However, if you find it unacceptable and unagrreable, voice out. Let rakyat know that you are for the people. Even if you fail to affect any changes, at least we know you are worth supporting. Presently, all component parties of BN seems to be in total agreement with what is affecting the livelihood of the people. We will hold you responsible and accountable to the future development of Malaysia and the effect on our generations to come.

Anwar's Arrest & Release

Anwar was arrested on 16th.July and released on 17th.July. How would a rakyat Malaysia feel about the whole thing?

As rakyat Malaysia we felt that the police department was overacting. However, the release was a relief to all rakyat Malaysia. Otherwise we would classify the action of the police as "unprofessional".

Rakyat Malaysia would like to see a fair and just investigation into the claim of sodomy. All investigation must be clear of any political intent. It should be merely dealing with the so call crime,if proven true. May we remind the police department that the eyes of all Malaysians are upon their every action. They had defamed Anwar once some many years back, let not this repeat this time.

If Anwar is good for Malaysia, all police personnel and military personnel should throw in their support for him. Malaysians need a capable leader to lead us out of the economy slump and political unrest as well as corruption.

Whether you are a police personnel or a military personnel, you have the same responsibility of a Malaysian, to prevent our beloved nation from "economy crash down", to safe guard our national treasury from been channel into personal property, to uphold the sovereignty of Malaysia. Malaysians must be loyal to the country, and make the elected government to be accountable to the rakyat. If the elected government failed to rule the nation well, they must be replaced.If the elected authority misuse their power and misappropraited the national wealth, they must face up to the court of law.

If Anwar is proscuted for a crime he had committed, he deserves it. However, if he is framed and suffer for trying to lead Malaysia out of the economy blue, we should throw our support for him. Let all Malaysians be in one accord to help our country to pull through the present crisis.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

What Happened to Bala?

Heh, what had happened to Balasubramaniam and his family during the 24 hours after he made his first statutory declaration (SD)? Have a look at his photo displayed by Sin Chew Jit Poh (5/7) you will see that Bala had gone through real bad time.

Any sensible investigation should start from the time he had made his first SD. Next follow on the events that took place to both Bala and his family members. Who had called, and who had visited him etc. Not so much of the second SD because the events that followed the first SD definitely had a lot of bearing leading to the second SD.

Whatever it may, Balasubramaniam should know before hand as what to expect when he made the first SD. For him to make the second SD surely it is an act of crime for his first SD. A false statement (if it is).

What must Bala do now? Nothing until the safety of his family members is ensured. Nothing until his own safety is guaranteed. Only then will he come forth to tell the whole story.

Can anyone be sure that Bala's life is not endanger at this point of time? He may suddenly die in an 'accident' or what may look like 'commiting suicide'. Only a dead man won't talk. The same blast that killed Altantuya can also blast Bala off.

Malaysians must pray for a living man to tell the truth, unveiling the wonder story of this Altantuya episode---- a good script for the movies. An unexpected ending may yet to be written in that script.

Will the intellectual Malaysians be taken as fools in the cinema. Even at the end of a movies most movies goers would like to comment on the story and the ending of the episode.

You may want to hear what was discussed at the recent meeting with reporters regarding this Bala:
Meeting the reporters regarding Bala and his SD